We go over a highly efficient method of acquiring hot leads by distributing content to cold audiences (people online that haven't interacted with your brand, website, or content) and retargeting the ones that interact with your content.
The reason this is so effective is that you're identifying and retargeting those people that showed interest or approval of your content by interacting with it. You get to happily leave the people alone that show no interest or don't interact with content, but you have a system set up so that those that do interact with your content, get followed up with by another piece of content relevant to the first one they recently viewed.
Shout out to Jeremy Haynes for the idea and awesome strategy.
Instagram - Optimaudience
YouTube - OptimAudience
Twitter - optimaudience
2:30 - SIDE NOTE: the reason we do this is because you get engagement is cheap it's not expensive to go and get a like or a comment or anything but that's not why uh you go and you do it you're not in there to get a like obviously you're in there you want money coming into your bag right so
02:40 what you do is you it's basically a way to help you identify the people that are interested in whatever it is that you're posting about so you're filtering out all the other fluffy stuff
02:50 that you don't want to retarget so you are basically identifying and targeting the people that are specifically engaging with your content and no one else.
3:00 So even with video view through percentages, you can target people that have watched 50% or more of your video and you know for a fact that they're going to be way more likely to watch another video or take action on another video or do something because they were at least interested enough to watch 50% or more of your previous video.