TAKE ACTION: Tell your state legislators to say no to solar geoengineering!
“[W]hen you start to reflect light away from the planet, you can easily imagine a chain of events that would extinguish life on earth.”
That’s what David Keith, one of the world’s top solar engineering scientists, told the New Yorker about his own life’s work.
With a warning like that, it’s easy to see why Mexico is banning solar geoengineering. That, and the fact that a start-up called “Make Sunsets” was caught trying to block the sun in Baja California Sur—without permission from, or even notifying, the government!
Moving in the other direction, the Biden Administration is officially exploring ways to stop sunlight from reaching the Earth, while the European Union has recently floated “a potential international framework” for going forward with research into this misguided and ineffective attempt to address the global climate crisis.
Few policy makers in the U.S. have tried to wrap their heads around this issue, but a group of Rhode Island state legislators have drafted a bill, the Atmosphere Protection Act that’s a great introduction.
TAKE ACTION: Tell your state legislators to say no to solar geoengineering!