Oh my heart... What art thou
That I must needs have charge of thee?
What child that I must choose what
Nourishment to feed, and what medicine to heed?
But thou art my own guide,
So it is right that I should guard thee
And keep thee with all diligence,
Oh Doorway for my redeemer...
Beloved heart, and wicked lair...
How deep do thy chasems roll?
How eternal thy skyward sunrise
How ineffable thy friendships stole?
Oh most intimate enemy of mine...
To lead me into or out of eternity,
Like a casual passer by...
Solomon said "Oh who LORD, can lead these people all Your own?"
"Give unto me an understanding heart,
Leave me not to tarry alone."
From that hour onward he could
Interpret the swaying of the trees...
He could understand the far flung stars...
And the voices of the birds with ease.
I cannot understand those things,
I look but still fail to see...
I pray but know not what for,
As I drift in a never ending sea.
Oh Lord what a responsibility!
To give me a human heart...
Only Our Lord and His Lady,
Could make of them exquisite art!
Oh Lord, what a treasure in my keeping,
I feel like a mother with a babe...
Let me not sin against it,
Let me not lose it to the grave...
What is a heart, this woundable thing...
What is a heart, that when full makes us sing.
What is a heart, this tabernacle of Christ,
What is a heart, this vessel of life...
It is but a cauldron of death,
And still not full yet...
Full of snares and thorns,
Beloved, my Jesus, come tame
From my planes and my valleys,
To the deep ocean sands...
Out of this fortress of doom.
The True Life and The Way.
Of the gift of Thy birth.