(got lil Wayne Remix - GUINT - Marshal Matters Remake in Armenian.) I got 3 different Remixes on this edition of Armos World because the fact that problems need to be noticed and brought to light, lil Wayne, shut out to lil Wayne and my team for standing up next to me and helping me with assistance in getting this done so far to this amount. We also have a mix of Gunit, and an Armenian Version of Marshall Matters. Shut out to 50 and Slim for being such inspiration to me and completely for all the legendary music that they made for us to give with. This Remixes are especial to me because it is original and simple, simple problems that everyday Joe's run into, against the business that make up our societies. (RidAid, CVS, Home Depot, GOODWILL, WALGREENS, Albertson's, VON'S, AutoZone, T-Mobile, Targets) most employes run their own policy as they please even though that all this companies come with rules to fallow. companies come with policies already assigned for all branches to follow.