Journalist and Documentary Fimmaker Reza from Kabul, Afghanistan sat down with Shiva in his trailer at the Malakasa Refugee Camp in Greece and discussed the inhumane living conditions, the mistreatment and sheer ignorance Refugees are met with when finally reaching shores in Greece in hopes to starting a better life for themselves and their children. Last week, fires consumed Europe’s largest refugee camp, Moria, on the Greek island of Lesbos and have left nearly 13,000 men, women, and children without shelter or access to basic services.
The production value suffered due to the environment being inside the Refugee Camp with limited resources.
Out of Place is a Podcast and Vodcast by Shiva Mohammadi. The Host and Producer sits down with Artists from varies Refugee backgrounds and discusses their journeys, art, and tools needed to create a life after displacement.
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