I know it may feel like you are alone with all the “social distancing”, feeling of isolation, being kept home from work, not eating at restaurants however most people in the world are feeling the exact same way.
I have been sick for the past week and we have had some snow and a bit of yucky weather. So for me, it hasn’t really bothered me to stay at home and be inside. I know, however, there are others who don’t live where I do and being inside and away from others had really bothered them.
Especially us extroverts who get reenergized by being with other people.
I am also learning lessons about what it really means to be a global family. How people can still support one another even if they are not right next door.
Think about what it would have been like 20 years ago had something like this happened.
You can now choose empathy over separation, heart-centered action over greediness, and trust over fear.
Be inspired instead of pessimistic. Focus on the positive and don’t get sucked into the negative. You have a choice so choose wisely.