Livestreamed on Monday 25 May, 2020 at 11am
Creative New Zealand's annual leadership conference, Nui te Kōrero, was cancelled just before lockdown. It was set to explore what makes a resilient arts sector now and in the future for the long-term benefit for all New Zealanders, a theme that resonates more strongly now than ever as we look to rebuild the creative sector over the coming months. The seventh online hui focussed on resilience.
Alongside Dolina Wehipeihana (Ngāti Tukorehe, Ngāti Raukawa) as facilitator were
- Helen Khoey, Senior Adviser Audience Development and Capability Building for Creative New Zealand.
- Puawai Cairns (Ngāiterangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Pūkenga), Director of Audience and Insight at Te Papa.
- Richard Benge, Executive Director of Arts Access Aotearoa
To watch a reply of our seventh hui, please visit our Facebook page or YouTube. You can also read about it in The Big Idea. A copy of Puawai Cairn’s whakaaro can be found here.