Woo! It's my birthday! Happy birthday to me, and happy birthday to you (I guess) since we're back in action with Episode 22!
Also May the Fourth be with you and all that.
This episode is the long awaited episode of Paradox, about Paradox, which was delayed by - you guessed it, Paradox!
If you are feeling generous and want me to keep doing what I'm doing, I've added a tip jar - but no pressure (due to the tech issues I was having with the other one, I changed up the provider):
Jen is a cast member at Dork Tales with a particular love for World of Darkness games, especially Mage: the Ascension. Catch her on the Dork Tales channels in their Victorian Era Mage game, or, if you subscribe to the Dork Tales Patreon, you can watch her as the Storyteller in Technocracy: Zero Sum.
Kelly Clark is the host of Dork Tales, an actual play channel you can watch live at http://twitch.tv/dorktales or catch the backlog at https://www.youtube.com/dorktales. You can also catch their podcasts at https://dorktales.podbean.com including the newly released in podcast form Victorian Era mage game.
#rpg #podcast #ttrpg #magetheascension #mage #m20 #whitewolf #onyxpath #dorktales
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Subversion by Phat Sounds