“Follow your own wisdom”
Debra is a Head of Happiness at Dare2bu, and have been on a spiritual journey since 2011.
She works with Awakening businesswomen.
Women who are done with people pleasing and are ready to live from love not fear.
Women who believe in love, connection, and abundance and are ready for a deeper understanding of themselves and their spiritual nature.
Women who are ready to understand how to lead, serve and give freely to others without losing themselves.
Her mission is to leave a legacy for the children and grandchildren of love, joy, abundance, freedom and understanding, not one of fear, lack, separation and judgment.
Through spiritual exploration and looking within.
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In this lovely interview we have covered the following topics:
In spite of everything, you can rise againThe power of knowing your worthThe change you are wanting to see may need to start from withinKnow the importance of listening to your heartDiscover happiness from within
As always, if there is a topic you’d love me to talk about, or know someone who’d be a great guest, or you’d love to be a guest yourself get in touch, leave a c...