In June 2013, MaryBeth Powers noticed a lump the size of a golf ball on her dog Teddy’s snout. Only two days later she heard the words no pet owner wants to hear, it was cancer.
Teddy had a sarcoma (a malignant tumor of connective or other nonepithelial tissue). The vet’s orders were to “keep him comfortable, he had only about two, maybe four weeks to live”. As Marybeth recounts in this episode of the pawdcast, keeping him comfortable, meant giving him five medications that left normally joyful Teddy severely sedated.
Marybeth was determined that Teddy would live his best life – no matter how many days, weeks or hopefully months he had.
While researching holistic methods to reduce cancer in dogs, MaryBeth developed a “treat” that she began adding to Teddy’s food. MaryBeth believes the anti-inflammatory treat she developed for her beloved Teddy allowed him to remain with her and her family for THREE ADDITIONAL YEARS.
MaryBeth shares with Karen and Jean how her singular focus on healing Teddy has become a much broader passion and second career.
The treat MaryBeth developed became Teddy’s Turmeric Tamer and is now shipped nationwide. It can be found at specialty pet related shops in Northern Virginia. MaryBeth personally hand fills every order. For more information visit or email MaryBeth at [email protected]
From Teddy’s Turmeric Tamer --
DISCLAIMER: Product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The comments and feedback about our product effectiveness are based on customer, staff, and family opinions and should not be substituted for medical care. We are not liable for any individual reaction to any particular ingredient, therefore, please remember to read the label and ingredient lists carefully and follow the appropriate directions for use and consumption at your own risk. Currently, this product is licensed through the State of Virginia as a “feed” license for a pet treat. For Humans, this has not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
Turmeric can interact with some medications, so check with your vet/doctor before taking this product especially if your pet takes meds for anti-inflammatory or diabetes.