Ready to hire an editor - but don't know what to look for?
Maybe you've been looking around but haven't made a decision, or progress, because you're unsure of what an editor is supposed to do, charge, or look/sound like.
Maybe you're afraid of getting scammed by someone posing as a publishing pro who's only out to steal your money.
Maybe you're the victim of a scam.
If any of those apply to you, THIS is the podcast for you!
Every now and then, I'd see the random Facebook Group post voicing concerns over an absentee editor or asking questions on what to look for/expect from an editor. But lately, I've been seeing post after post from authors who put their trust in an editor who took their money and ran, or took their money and did minimal work, or took their money and their work and claimed it all for themselves.
As much as it makes me sick - and angry - that people are tainting the reputation of a very valid, very vital, part of the publishing industry and process, it also brought to light an issue on the other side of the table: we don't know what we don't know.
If you don't know what to look for, how will you know when something is missing?
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