Episode 018 Podcast Reality Check Part 2 with Rob Walch of Libsyn
How many downloads do the majority of podcasts get - per episode? 100, 500, 1000, more? As VP at Libsyn, Rob Walch can tell you. Since Libsyn is a leading podcast hosting company which hosts thousands of podcasts big and small, Rob sees the numbers. And I think you will be surprised by the answer which he reveals in this episode. In addition Rob continues his discussion on the current state of podcasting. Specifically he talks about:
Podcast advertising
Podcasting as a hobby vs a business
Podcast length
Podcast content
Podcast listening measurements and metrics
Podcast marketing
"Downloads" is the measurement of success or failure in podcasting. It is the only real way to measure listenership. And many advertisers think it is a fairly worthless measurement. After all, a download doesn't mean anyone listens - or listens very long. Rob tackles this subject in a very interesting way.
A lot of talk in the podcasting world is all about "dynamic ad insertion" or programmatic advertising. Essentially what that means is inserting ads into podcasts after they have been recorded. Additionally those ads might be served to different listeners according to location, demographics, etc. For example, in the same podcast, someone listening in Florida might get an ad for sunscreen while someone listening in Maine might get an ad for a snow blower.
While this is touted as the future of podcast advertising - it is definitely not the present. Dynamic ad insertion was designed for audio streaming but putting it to use in podcasting has a long list of problems. 2 big ones:
Podcasters are resistant to it
Advertisers aren't yet asking for it (much)
Additionally the "live read" commercial is proving extremely effective. So in this discussion (both part 1 and part 2) Rob talks about the current state of podcast advertising. He also reveals why many advertisers have yet to embrace podcasting as an advertising medium and what it will take to get them on board.
I think you'll also like Rob's insight into who podcasters really are. Most are not professionals - they are individuals many of whom are hobbyists just having fun.
Rob has been involved in podcasting from the very beginning and he has some interesting opinions and predictions regarding the direction podcasting is going and how it will get there. This is part 2 of 2 parts that every podcaster should hear.
You can find Rob at www.Podcast411.com
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