A deep exploration of Permaculture's roots with Michael Pilarski , David Harper and I
Praise be to Hippies!
There's more to do then just selling tomatoes at the farmers market.
Hear about the first Permaculture Design certification course offered in the U.S. in the Pacific Northwest by Bill Mollison in 1982 and the cast of characters around it. Hear Michael talk about his personal history with Bill Mollison as his mentor and teacher. We discuss Permaculture Living lands Trust work and the distinction between TEK and Permaculture.Also we explore the emergence of Bioregionalism and the first PDC in Canada on the topic.
Michaels work here- https://friendsofthetrees.net/
Upcoming design courses-https://www.permaculturenewyork.com/
Youtube channel-https://www.youtube.com/@andrewfaust2091/featured