Huzzah! Episode 5 of the tedious Pete Wells Sensory Stories Shodcast… I mean, Podcast is out!
This episode features an interview with all round clever clogs, Author and Equals Editor PETER IMRAY, an investigation of the sense of touch, as well as the story of ‘Sir Pranceabout and the Dragon!’ A great little tale for exploring SMSC, British Values and thinking skills!
Once again, I tell the story before breaking it down and discussing the use of props. There’s also a whole host of lesson ideas at the end of the podcast – phew!
Timings are as follows:
00:00 Introductory drivel
01:55 The Sense of Touch
14:53 Interview with PETE IMRAY!
33:03 Introduction to Sir Pranceabout and the Dragon
37:08 “Sir Pranceabout and the Dragon!”
46:46 “Sir Pranceabout and the Dragon!” Deconstructed
59.42 “Sir Pranceabout and the Dragon!” Lesson Ideas
01:03:41 Outro and chance to re-evaluate your choice of podcast…
You’ll find all the files you need (and some you don’t!) at . Speaking of which, the PowerPoint for this is AMAZING, with beautiful graphics by my very talented brother Rich Wells, to atone for the childhood of pranks and beatings!
Huge, huge thanks to Peter for a very entertaining and enlightening interview.
I’m very happy with the number of downloads the podcast is getting and I’d really appreciate some feedback from the forum. Please send a couple of lines, good or bad, to let me know what you think and how I can make it even less average! A review on iTunes would be appreciate too!
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Thanks everyone,
Pete Wells.