RJ talks with Aaron Jack about his upcoming exhibit at The Soap Gallery in Youngstown Ohio on this week's Art Talk! Exhibit information below.
ART EVENT, “Carbon Connection” July 25 & 26 ~ August 1 & 2
Rice Paper and Sumi Ink + Multimedia
Youngstown, Ohio - July 25th, 26th & Aug 1, 2, 2020 - Artist Aaron Jack will challenge your
thinking about what it means to connect meaningfully with yourself and others in a time of
physical isolation.
Live Event!! Covid Aware
@ The Soap Gallery 117 S Champion St, Youngstown, Ohio 44503
● Private Gallery Experience!
Scheduled viewings (1-4 people) allow for mindful reflection.
● The Art
Carbon Connection: Carbon is the basis of all life on earth. Carbon is the base of the ink
and visual artforms in this show. Our connections to one another are transmitted
through music, feeling, movement, visuals, words and more. How do these connections
form and flow in a time of physical isolation and distance? The brush and ink in the
hand of Aaron Jack has been tuned to explore those relationships. Carbon Connection
invites you to share the ephemeral moments of life in relating, connecting, and creating.
● The Scene
Enjoy more LIVE ART outside of the gallery where you can chat, dance to live-streamed
music and observe live painting in action! (small groups with distance)
Schedule your time!
About the Show
Aaron Jack invites you into his 4 month Quarantine Art journey as he follows his brush, his
heart, and his breath into an unexpected universe of connection and inspiration. As the whole
world goes online, a community of artists and art lovers comes alive. New forms emerge -
improvisational, collaborative, layered. Merging visual arts, music, dance, mindfulness and
more. Carbon connections transforming digital divides.