Hi. Welcome to episode 16 of Photographers Stories! It's been a while! Hasn't it! Sorrynotsorry about not making an episode sooner, I have been busy not stressing about editing audio, it's been great to be honest. I recorded this episode in September of last year (2016) in Christchurch with my old boss Greg Bramwell, who owned and ran Photo and Video International for 28 years! We chat about the ups and downs of the photographic industry, his photography, learning photography from Laurence Aberhart, other people's photography, photo labs, photographers, cameras and a lot of other things. At the time of recording Greg had recently sold the camera store, something you don't really hear people doing much anymore. Sorry if the file is a bit big but I am a bit rusty at this, maybe only download it on wifi. I hope you enjoy my chat with Greg!