The whole world is experiencing many business closures; people are asked to stay home and as much as possible - not go out. COVID-19/Coronavirus has totally taken over almost every country on earth. And then there's the predicted market crash coming. Even if we get out of the Coronavirus situation, we are all walking right into a recession. But this recession will have much more muscle and fangs, compared to previous recessions.
Currentl as of this podcast recording, there are lockdowns, quarantines and even state of emergencies now all over the world. The number of people sick and the number of fatalities keep rising. Unemployment, in this modern age, is at the highest it's ever been. People are getting scared. What does one do, especially as a person who wants to play piano.
Because entertainment is now considered a non-essential thing in this on-going crisis, it's more important than ever to change our mindsets and switch gears. We have to go from fear to survival and then eventually - thriving and prospering. But when that will happen is uncertain. It's what we do in these very moments that is more important. You have to take action and put aside how you thought and who are you - today.
Rodney mentions some strategies that can be done at home - now that we all must stay at home unless we HAVE to go out. Those strategies include starting a business from home. Internet marketing, e-Commerce, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Freelancing - the list goes on and on.
We basically have to reinvent ourselves. Let's not fool ourselves here - this situation is real.
If you're looking into building a business from home, just write me at [email protected] and title your subject line - Piano Maverick: Business and Work from home.
If you're interested in ClickFunnels, check out the One Funnel Away challenge at:
Remember this; even if you want to make piano a huge part of your future, you have to take care of yourself financially and you must, must stay healthy at all costs. This is like Noah's Arc - you have to protect and care for yourself and the people you love, while you ride out the storm.