On this episode of Plants and Rants, host Johnny Vines discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with likeminded individuals in both your personal and professional life. Growing out of people and your environment is part of life. In this episode we discuss embracing change, cherishing past relationships and living every day to the fullest. Understanding your legacy is your reputation and how people remember you. This episodes touches on a passing of a close friend Augustine, his legacy and how he taught every one how to live, laugh and love unconditionally. This episode is dedicated to you Auggie, I’m beyond proud to have been able to call you a friend. Happy Pride Month.
This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. I’m excited to announce that Plants and Rants listeners receive 10% off their first month at BetterHelp.com/plantsandrants. That’s Better H-E-L-P dot com / Plants and Rants. Visit www.johnnyvines.com for full details. IG - @PlantsandRantsPodcast / @JohnnyViness