Whoa what happened to the last month and a half.* Anyway. Outside of games, me and Bela have been:
Reading: Forty Signs of Rain by Kim Stanley Robinson, The Familiar Vol. 5: Redwood by Mark Z Danielewski, & Crash Override by Zöe Quinn (the shit that went down the day of the reading)
Watching: The Craft, Battlestar Galactica, Cube
Oh, and in case you missed Ben’s present to the internet on his birthday: I apologize in advance
For the game discussion, we again didn’t curate anything. In lieu of the usual segment, we ended up talking about:
OverwatchBlack Marker by Michael KielstraInsignificant Little Vermin by Filip HracekHexteria Skaxis Qiameth by Gabriel FlorianoMiddle-Earth: Shadow of WarWolfenstein II: The New ColossusWe also brought up a bunch of articles and podcast discussions (well, Ben mostly did). Here’s some links to them:
Overwatch’s Mercy Problem – Fave This (Gita Jackson, Patricia Hernandez, Nico Deyo)
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War is at war with itself over slavery – Polygon (Cameron Kunzelman)
The Orcs of Shadow of War Face a Fate Worse Than Death – Waypoint (Cameron Kunzelman, Austin Walker)
Real Human Beings: Shadow of Mordor, Watch Dogs and the New NPC – Paste Magazine (Austin Walker)
The Nazi-Ruled America of Wolfenstein II Isn’t That Different from Our Real History – Paste Magazine (Dante Douglas)
*Ben’s brain wasn’t being particularly cooperative