Tyrone Wheeler, a coach from the UK, discusses his passionproject of helping men, particularly dads, improve their relationships with their own fathers.
Men can make it hard on themselves with maculine roles feeling love and affection. This has to stop.
Tyrone shares his personal journey of reconnecting with hisbiological father after 35 years, which led him to help others overcome the challenges he faced, such as confidence issues and self-doubt.
He emphasises the importance of being open to emotions and sharing them with one's children. Tyrone's coaching business aims to supportdads in healing their relationships, whether with a biological or positive father figure.
The conversation also touches on the evolving dynamicsbetween fathers and sons and the impact of modern technology on parenting.
Tyrone Wheeler's Introduction and Business Background
Tony Skinner welcomes Tyrone Wheeler to the podcast andintroduces him as a business owner from the UK with both traditional and coaching businesses.
Tyrone shares that his passion project is his coachingbusiness, where he helps other men, particularly dads, to become better dads by healing and rebuilding their relationships with their own fathers.
Tyrone explains that his personal experience of beingseparated from his biological father for 35 years and reconnecting with him later influenced his decision to help other dads.
He discusses the challenges he faced without a proper fatherfigure in his life, including issues with confidence and self-doubt, and how reconnecting with his dad changed his life.
Personal Journey and Impact of Reconnecting with HisFather
Tyrone recounts his personal journey of being separated from his father at a young age and reconnecting with him after 35 years.
He describes the detrimental effects of not having a fatherfigure in his life, including confidence issues and self-doubt.
Tyrone shares the life-changing moment of reconnecting with his father, where he could be himself without pretending, and how this experience inspired him to help other dads.
He emphasises the importance of healing and rebuildingrelationships with one's father, whether biological or a positive father figure.
Challenges and Rewards of Helping Other Dads
Tony Skinner comments on Tyrone's Scottish accent and thechallenges of helping other dads, especially those in Scotland, known for being hard-nosed.
Tyrone admits that initially, he doubted his decision tohelp other dads but feels now that he is doing the right thing, guided by his heart and soul.
Tony asks Tyrone about principles to improve relationshipsbetween fathers and their sons.
Tyrone advises being connected to one's emotions andfeelings, sharing them openly, and understanding their origins to improve relationships with children.
Evolution of Parenting and Modern Challenges
Tony and Tyrone discuss the evolution of parenting and theold paradigm of fathers and sons, where children were seen and not heard.
Tyrone notes the changes in parenting over time and theimportance of spending quality time with children, especially in the modern era with technology.
He mentions his own experience of having a 21-year-olddaughter and grandchildren, and how technology has made it more challenging for younger generations to raise kids.
Tony and Tyrone agree on the importance of supportingchildren and following one's heart, even if it means going against the grain.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Tony mentions the name of the podcast, "Healing Son-DadRelationships," and where listeners can find it, including Apple and Spotify.
Tyrone shares his final thoughts, emphasising the importanceof following one's heart and making the most of life.
Tony thanks Tyrone for the conversation and wishes him well.