Join 4 anime "EXPERTS" as they watch ASSORTED SPACE ANIMES.
TieTuesday, Vicas, SereneDragon, and Kuvo take you through some genious anime and some "genious"anime.
Also we do jokes you'll like it I sw... more
By TieTuesday
5050 ratings
The podcast currently has 140 episodes available.
Thank you so much for joining us on this journey, I'm so sorry we ended with the worst stuff lmaooooo
Its Serene's pick this week! Did the writer's strike cause this stinker? You be the judge!
wow, can you believe it's the same length as S&tC2???? I can!!!
It's funny people, this movie, really, really stinks
We're doing a grand finale of 4 movies, and the first one was the completely vapid nostalgia vehicle known as Ready Player One!
It stinks! We go one for like 3 hours about how much it stinks!!!
Last two episodes of season 2
Ep. 22-24
episodes 19-21
ep 16-18
Ep 13-15
Ep 10-12 of S2!
The podcast currently has 140 episodes available.