Without a doubt, there is an insatiable fascination with the extraordinary structures of every architectural interpretation that dot the surface of our world. Particularly, for those us who are from well-traveled societies, mainly America and Europe. No question there is something uniquely exotic about having the opportunity to view, first hand, worldwide monuments, some of which date all the way back to antiquity. However, history does tell us that only one of seven wonders of the ancient world still stand today. The Pyramids of Giza. And even though they have endured, unlike, for example, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or the Colossus of Rhodes, the Egyptian dynasties that actually built them have long since passed from prominence. In the same way, the ancient emperors who built the Great Wall of China and the Royals who built Windsor no longer reign as they once did. Nonetheless, there is a profound and persistent tendency of many nations, as well as, religions to revere locations they deem sacred to either their cause or reputed origin. I must say, writing this poem was particularly enjoyable. As it slowly evolved over the course of about three weeks I began to see a wonderful opportunity to use these icons, symbols, and philosophical sentiments to express a very different message about a very different kind of empire. The one that will always last, now and forever. The one that lives in the midst of all the others. The one that we will always honor in my home. Regardless of where that may be.