We enjoyed an incredibly informative and inspiring interview with Olivia Olivia, the local media support for Rent Strike Portland (Oregon) and the admin of the COVID-19 Portland Oregon Area Community Support Facebook group (link below). Olivia offers context and insights on many aspects of this, including:
Why is a rent freeze important in addition to the temporary ban on evictions?
How do mortgage holders factor into this?
What are the aims and demands for this rent strike in Portland?
What are other cities doing on this?
What is the best first step for folks who want—or need—to get involved with this?Some of the resources mentioned in the episode (more to come!):
COVID-19 Portland Oregon Area Community Support Facebook group
PDX Rent Strike website
PDX Rent Strike (Instagram)
PDX Rent Strike (Facebook)
PDX Rent Strike (Twitter)
Rent Strike Toolkit for Organizers and StrikersTune in to the other things Olivia is up to!
Olivia Olivia (Facebook)
Olivia Olivia (website)
@writeswrongs (Instagram)