You've seen them working the streets in their crisp, white shirts and ties. You've peered from behind your curtains, hoping they won't stop at your house. They are those pesky religious guys, trying to lure you to their way of thinking.
Actually, Nicholas Hart and Vince Duario are very well-mannered young men, members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (Mormon), who will gladly tell you about their faith, but only if you so desire. The western United States men are on their two-year mission in Shelbyville, Ky., to simply help people. They are offering themselves as free labor to anyone who asks. They'll mow your lawn, move your bricks, do any kind of yard work, or help paint your house. If you ask about their church, they'll sure tell you, but if not, they will simply do the work and move on.
For POSITIVELY Shelby, this is episode #21, so we are moving right along and gaining new listeners each time. If you have an idea of a topic or would like to advertise and help support the podcast mission to bring the good news, call or text James Mulcahy at 502-321-9159.