Evolving Through The Ebb & Flow Of Life With Jessica Dennehy
This week on the podcast, the crew is joined by Jessica Dennehy. A beautiful soul who has made her mark on Long Island through her entrepreneurial endeavors who is now impacting the greater world through the positive content and messaging that she shares. We had a great discussion about her life and there was this over arching theme of evolution in life, business, relationships and how our perception of it all matters greatly.
In this episode Dr. Tom and Mr. Mike AKA Audio Velvet chat about:
- Why positivity takes work
Raising awareness to the energy you’re attracting and emittingNot holding on too tightly to winsTips to fall deeply in love with your journeyWhy those who succeed at the highest level experience some of the “deepest” lowsJessica’s evolution of self and how she poured her energy into self developmentHow the quarantine can allow for deep introspection if you allow it toInsight into the amazing Madmen Barbershop brand and how Jessica and her ex-husband Ed have been able to continue working together in a positive and encouraging manner Remaining open for possibility and opportunityWhy our personal relationships sometimes ebb and flowThe inception and evolution of Madmen BarbershopHow they pushed through the pandemic shutdownAnalyzing the perception of our routinesThe catch-22 with “big business”“You’re never going to have a perfect time. The perfect time is whenever you have an opportunity presents itself”
“Are you in a rut or are you on a roll”
CLICK HERE to check out Jessica's FREE 7-Week Yoga Course
Jessica's Instagram Handle: @Jessica_Dennehy_
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another episode of The Positivity Effect goes live next Thursday - Stay Tuned !!!