Mim Beim is a practicing Naturopath with 35 years experience helping those in need.
Inspired by her own personal experiences of the power of breathing techniques and their positive influence on her own health. Mim has become one of Australia's foremost breathing educators and Buteyko Breathing practitioners.
She runs a thriving Naturopathic practice in Mittagong, in the Southern Highlands of NSW Australia - in addition to consulting online with patients from all around the world.
Mim is a Senior Naturopathic Colleges Lecturer and in 2017 was awarded a Fellowship to the NHAA Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia. The oldest association of its kind in Australia.
If you are curious about how Naturopathy might help you overcome your health challenges?
Or wonder what benefits you could gain through some simple, breath training techniques?
This episode might be worth a listen.
Mim even guides you through a simple 3 minute example exercise that can help improve your circulation, calm your mind and help you re-set your mood.