On this episode, I speak with Emily Lynn Paulson. Emily is the author of Highlight Real: Finding Honesty & Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life, an entrepreneur, certified professional recovery coach, and a member of the long-term recovery community. Formally trained as a chemist and a teacher, she rose to success in the top tiers of a skincare company, where she gained her voice and a platform for sobriety and healing. Sober since January 2, 2017, her recovery path is focused on ruthless honesty, grace, and self love. She is passionate about connecting women with resources for recovery from trauma, eating disorders, and substance abuse, and believes that sharing our truth with each other is the best resource of all. Emily shares her story, and how alcoholism affected her life and her journey to sobriety.
Connect with Emily Lynn Paulson:
Check out her website - https://www.emilylynnpaulson.com/
Find her on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/emilylynnpaulson/
Find her on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/highlightrealrecovery/ and https://www.instagram.com/wowyouhaveyourhandsfull/
Order her book, Highlight Real: Finding Honesty & Recovery Beyond the Filtered Life - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733853219/
About me:
I'm Beth Moyer and I'm a coach, an entrepreneur, a makeup artist, a model, a mom and a storyteller. After going through several major traumatic life events back in 2012, I've spent the last several years getting real with myself, facing my BS, growing and healing and rebuilding my life from the inside out. While working in Corporate Finance for a top Fortune 500 company, I began a side-hustle in Network Marketing. Using my unique blend of professional and personal experience, business acumen, emotional IQ and ability to make authentic connections through vulnerability, I have built a large and successful organization which allowed me to take flight and ditch my Corporate Finance career of 18 years. Taking the leap in entrepreneurship a few times over the past 5 years, I'm now pursuing my purpose - empowering women through sharing my life experiences, connecting through conversation and story-telling. My superpower is teaching others how to use their voice unapologetically, get out of their own way and into messy action so they create the life of their dreams and the income they deserve.
Connect with me:
Check out my website - https://bethamoyer.com/
Find me on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Power-Her-Up-Podcast-with-Beth-Moyer-107238917335350/
Find me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/powerheruppodcast/ and https://www.instagram.com/beth_a_moyer/