Shahar Silbershatz, CEO of reputation management and analytics firm Calber joined the podcast in a fascinating conversation about the impact of executive brands on company reputation and business. That was the just the main course; the 30 minutes were crammed with useful and actionable info across a number of topics that should be of great interest to comms pros. We discussed:
Comparisonn of brand measurement methods.
The emergence of always on, real-time surveys and panels.
Connection between CEO and company reputation.
How to convert data into PR results.
The decline of the tech and CEO brands, and what to do about it.
How to be an effective and visible thought leader in today's hyper-polarized, perilous world.Shahar shared interesting case studies, especially around a PR campaign regarding Elon Musk and Tesla's business performance that got covered in Reuters, CNN and others.
He also dished on survey data about the reputations of tech CEOs, answering:
Which ones are most recognized and liked/disliked?
The two tech leaders who are most often associated with their respective companies.
Which tech leaders are liked more than their companies and vice versa?We think you will enjoy and get a lot out of this podcast, so check it out. And thanks, Shahar, for joining, and sharing your insight.
To get in touch with Shahar, you can connect with him on LinkedIn
Caliber Website
In Tech we Trust? post
CNN story: What's wrong with Tesla?