If you have a team of WordPress developers or if you're thinking about growing your team, creating a unified approach to your workflows can save time, increase stability, and help avoid profit and deadline zapping mistakes. In this episode of PressThis we interview Geoff Thibeau of Deep Fried about his thoughts on setting up an optimized workflow for teams.
Geoff discusses considerations for the technology in your workflow stack, how to keep code/deploys organized across groups and people, and what you can do to make sure you not only have a solid foundation across your workflow, but one that helps you move FASTER!
If you're lost in the world of cowboy coding and snowflaked (different) workflows across your team, learn how to give yourself peace of mind and listen to this episode of PressThis now!
Also, check out this handy GitHub repo that Geoff uses to keep his non-org plugins automatically updated https://github.com/YahnisElsts...
Listen to "Optimizing WordPress development workflows across your dev team with Geoff Thibeau of Deep Fried" on Spreaker.