Welcome to the pretend play podcast. A podcast focusing on the research and application of pretend play and language skills. Today we take on the topic: Object of Play
Symbolic Play: We review definitions of symbolic play
McCune-Micholich, 1981; Barton & Wolery, 2008
5 Elements of Play: Discuss the 5 elements of play in the PPLAC and definitions of the 3 objects of play.
Components of symbolic play: Review of the research on the various components to symbolic play/object of play.
McCune-Micholich, 1981; Casby, 2003
Object substitution: We review the research on object substitution including ACI Learning Centers research on typically developing children and teaching children with autism.
McCune-Micholich, 1981
Imaginary play without objects: We review the research on imaginary object including ACI Learning Centers research on typically developing children and teaching children with autism.
Stahmer, 1995; Taylor & Iacono, 2003
Assigning absent attributes: We review the research on assigning absent attributes including ACI Learning Centers research on typically developing children and teaching children with autism.
Ingersoll & Schriebman, 2006; Taylor & Iacono, 2003
Development of symbolic Play: we discuss the developmental sequence of object of play and the overlap with category of play
Belsky & Most, 1981; Watson & Fisher, 1977; Ungerer, Zelazo, Kearsley, & Kurowsit, 1981; McCune-Micholich, 1981; Fein 1981; Fenson, Kagan, Kearsley, Zelazo, 1976; Smith & Jones, 2011;
Language: we discuss the correlation between symbolic play and language development.
Fein 1981; Charman & Baron-Cohen, 1997; Casby & Ruder, 1983; Barton & Wolery, 2008; Casby, 2003; Smith & Jones, 2011; Taylor & Iacono, 2003; Thorp, Stahmer, & Schreibman, 1995; Kasari, Freeman, & Paparella, 2006
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