We followed the billionaire morning routine for 3 days and it went surprisingly well. Maybe in the moment we felt extremely groggy from waking at 7 AM in the midst of summer break, but the whole routine was not that bad-- or so we thought... Stay tuned to find out what happens! Follow us on Instagram and TikTok: @primarysarcasm
Here is the full routine if you want to try it for yourself!
Sleep at 12 AM
Early Start (7 AM)
Recall Dreams
Make your Bed
Drink a Tall Glass of Water and Take Vitamins/Probiotics (We just drank lemon water)
Meditation (20 mins)
Two Minutes of Movement
Have a Cold Shower
Do Normal Routine (brush teeth, wash face)
Make Tea
Journaling + To Do, To Be, To Feel List
Read for 30 mins
Make a Smoothie
By the way, in this episode we pre recorded clips of us in the ACTUAL moment of completing the tasks for the routine. We later recorded our reactions to the audio of us doing the routine.