Relationship Coaching for Singles: The Most Easy to Market, Fun, and Profitable Coaching Niche
Almost half (46%) of U.S. adults are single, more than
ever in history. Most singles yearn to find the love of
their life, a tremendous need and opportunity for
coaches who can genuinely help them.
In many ways, singles are ideal coaching clients:
- Easy to find and market to
- Clearly identified goal
- Usually have discretionary time and income
- Highly motivated and seeking solutions
Whatever your coaching specialty or niche, many of your
clients are single and can benefit from your support.
Listen to the recording and learn powerful strategies
for helping your single clients and leveraging these
strategies to attract more clients into your practice.
In this free recording you will learn:
* How David filled his new coaching practice within
90 days by marketing to singles, and how you can too!
* The number one secret for filling a coaching practice
with singles or any other niche of clients
* How YOU can build a successful relationship coaching
business even if you're "relationship-challenged"
* How Relationship Coaching Institute can help you get
clients and build a successful coaching practice