At the end of the day, you are the most important employee in your business, whether you are working solo, or whether you have a team, your business cannot function without you, you are the heart and soul of it. You have to start making yourself a priority and taking care of yourself financially!
When you pay yourself, even if it's just a little bit at first, you will have an entirely different mindset that you carry with you and you'll show up in your business with a different energy. You'll show up feeling valued, respected, and more confident in the work you do.
When you value yourself, you'll send out that "I'm worth it" vibe, and others will value you, too. You'll own your worth, stand confident in your pricing, and attract clients to you who also value your work and are willing to invest in the services you offer.
In this episode, we're talking about how to get in the mindset of paying yourself and how to set up your financials to make it simple to actually do it.
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