In this episode, if it goes viral, Joe Biden will be in serious trouble. Why? Because, in August of 2007, not too long ago. Joe Biden talks about border control and how to keep illegals out of the country and goes on and on and on that immigration MUST BE EARNED EARNED EARNED! We replay Biden's lines, and ANYONE who is intellectually honest will conclude that Joe Biden had the identical policies of Donald Trump when it comes to the border. So, what happened? Anyone with common sense will tell you something DRASTIC had to have happened to President Biden to do a 180 and go the opposite of what he believed in when he was coherent and to the point that he says it is unscrupulous to practice immigration this way. Folks, unscrupulous is a POWERFUL negative word. Unscrupulous means have no morals. A liar. Someone who does not care about hurting others for his gain. What happened? One thesis in our opinion is a measure and keen rationale thesis: someone has bought and paid in which he cannot practice what he believed. Leaving him as the ONLY President ever that is proven to change their policies a 180 in such a quick time. Time is running out. Save America. Get this message out. It helps us and most importantly OUR COUNTRY!
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