Make sure you hit the plus button, so you know when our next episode drops?! IT'S ALL FREE!
We are discussing ADHD and how it has progressed in the years, how it has affected Psycho in her life since being diagnosed at age 4, what it's like being a parent of an ADHD kid today, how it affects males and females and much more! This is an episode you don't want to miss!
As per usual we have music mashup which we have a large selection this time, psycho-bush rant is hot and heavy this season, I guess some things have really ticked off psycho this time hahaha! We also have is it worth the money! Costco is on topic again! If you want a list of all the songs, we have mentioned in all our episodes then head over to our Spotify or our Apple Music playlist for every song selection and hit the shuffle button for some added excitement.
Check out OUR FB page Psycho-Bush Talk Podcast for all websites, picture, features, videos and products mentioned in our episodes?!? Also Check out our Tik toks @psychowitch29 @aussiebushman We look forward to hearing from you! As always, our music and sounds come from pond5, visit their website today for all your music, sound and effects needs and mention us for a cheeky 20% discount!!!!
If you don’t click that follow you won’t know when we start going live!
As usual too big credit for our music and our future purchase go to Pond5.
Want to get in contact with us send us an email at [email protected]
Stock Media provided by aaronhallett / Pond5
Stock Media provided by Soundrangers / Pond5
Stock Media provided by cistudios / Pond5
Stock Media provided by HQSounds / Pond5