In today’s episode, I talk about all things college. I know many of you are getting ready to head to college in the fall and I think it is time for me to share how my experience was.
For the most part, college was LIT! I enjoyed my time at Morgan State University, but to be honest I did NOT have plans on attending college after high school. My plan was the complete opposite of my parents. I had dreams of being a hair stylist and working in a super cute salon. When I use to tell people that they couldn’t believe that I desired to have that occupation, but in all honesty I am glad I went to college. I had some unforgettable moments while being away at college. I meet some dope friends, who I still talk with very frequently.
Although, my senior year was one for the books. I share in the episode, how close I was to not graduating with my senior class. I needed to pass my Anatomy and Physiology in order to graduate and I passed by the skin of my teeth. College was more than parties and being away from my parents though. It gave me the opportunity to make a life for myself.
If you were to ask me if I would do it over again the answer would be YES! My only regret back then was not pushing myself harder in some of my classes. I often wonder what my life would have been like if I had selected a different major and really gave each class my all.
I am really looking forward to the P.U.R.E. Girls who are heading to college in the Fall. They have been a part of our program since 2013. They were all in 5th grade when they came to our program and to see how they have all blossomed in beautiful young women is absolutely amazing!
I hope you enjoy the episode and talk you in the next episode.
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