The world of American sports has been stagnant for a long time. Aside from MMA and the UFC, no one has been able to keep up with the big four (NBA, NFL, MLB & NHL) - but that's about to change.
This week we had the honor of sitting with not only an amazing entrepreneur, but also a Queens NY born and raised go-getter, Chris Viso. Some might recognize his name from the Miami party scene as he's been the brain behind many top businesses out there, including; The Franklin Hotel, Bacon Bitch, Drunk Bitch, and his pride and joy, Shh, one of Miami's top night clubs hit by the pandemic.
We sat to discuss Chris' past. His humble beginnings growing up in Queens, raised by a single mother on the beat, to being a server at STK before the world really knew what it would become. To working on Wall Street without a college degree. He studied many of these spots and gained experience that would one day lead to him owning multiple restaurants and even his own hotel.
After 6 years of making miracles happen and living the life many can only dream of, at the young age of 32, Chris decided to retire. A move that left many, including his own childhood friends in disbelief. And fortunately for us, this is where the story truly begins.
Chris has finally decided to come out of retirement and discuss with the world his newest game changer... W.A.R.
We won't get into it here, but watch the show and in the second half get ready to have your mind blown. The scope of competitive sports is about to turn a whole new leaf. Ladies and Uglymen, enjoy!
Follow Chris at: @Chris.Viso on Instagram