Hello Quaranteeners! How goes it? HAPPY BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND YOU LOVELY PEOPLE. I know that all you’ve been waiting for during this two-week hiatus is for me to release another episode of cracking content and convos with my gorgeous guest. And I know that your weekend would have been incomplete without it. And so here you are!
This was a very lovely, easy, breezy chat that I feel has cemented in my head what I thought about Quarantine; it’s fine, admittedly, I’m learning things about myself as I go, definitely, I am oh so grateful for the sunshine, undeniably - and it is tricky. It’s hard to also not feel bad about feeling bad, and good about feeling good. It’s a tapestry of emotion that Emily and I air out, lay out, unpick and put back in it’s box in a very enjoyable way. If I may say so myself. She is studying for the bar, a law student, something that is hard at the best of times and truly unbearable at others. And I appreciate her honesty when it comes round to perceiving quarantime as phased; I wonder what phase we will head into next. Good luck with your exams Bacon - you got dis.