Today I'm writing this from Eric's Laptop because we are really breaking format. Like most shows, we start off very hard and it sucks, then we get A LOT BETTER. Like super better. Also I am very funny and despite Eric's best interests, he could not stop me. Anyway this episode includes a Disney Channel Original Movie, a gritty reboot of a classic tale, and we retool Universal's monster movie franchise and it actually kicks ass!
Now Playing:
- That's So Raven: O.M.G.M.O
- The Little Engine That Could Kill
- The New Universal Monster Cinematic Universe
The writers/artistic producers
- Jake Scheidel @JakeScheidel A farmer is given the opportunity to genetically modify her crops and raise his profits but her only child is anti-GMO and will disown her if she accepts
- Donnyboyy @StandupBard a dark and gritty reboot of the little engine that could
- @Dlln Frankenstein but with ghosts. Victor disturbs the spirits of the bodies he uses. They muddle with his experiment. Also please include when victor finishes the monster and fuckin goes to bed
Our theme was written and recorded by Nate Thompson. For updates on his future projects please follow him on twitter @natepthomps
Our logo was done by Kyle Smith. For more of his good stuff please go to
Please follow us on twitter too!
Radaptation - @RadaptationPod
Eric Lee - @Ericleeeeeee
Thomas Stapleton - @Tstape03