Anna Klemm is the Head of the BioImage Informatics Facility, at SciLifeLab, in Sweden. SciLifeLab is a research infrastructure that provides access to a broad range of technologies in biosciences. Facilities like the one from Anna support scientists from academia, industry and health care.
While Anna and I are in many ways colleagues, connected via bioimage analysis and Scilifelab, we don't share the workspace, and we usually don't get the chance to just talk. It was great to have her on the podcast and talk about her transitions from researcher to facility staff, from Germany to Sweden, how did she get involved with NEUBIAS, women in science, etc.
I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I did talking to Anna
Relevant links to some of the topics in the episode:
BioImage Informatics Facility, at SciLifeLab:
Anna's Twitter account:
Anna's GitHub account:
Anna's webinar on ImageJ/Fiji Macro Language:
Imagesc Forum:
NEUBIAS youtube channel: