Florida's bill has been nicknamed the 'don't say gay' bill. Here's more information on the bill:
How many times can we say 'gay' in this podcast episode?
Teaching kids in grades K-3 language to describe LGBT language will not change straight kids gay; just like teaching kids heteronormative language will make gay kids straight.
People have a right to be who they are. And they have the right to be introduced to language that will help them describe how they feel.
Here is a link to research based, scienctifically processed and peer reviewed information on how gender affirming schools save lives:
Newcomb, Michael E.; LaSala, Michael C.; Bouris, Alida; Mustanski, Brian; Prado, Guillermo; Schrager, Sheree M.; Huebner, David M.; LGBT Health, Vol 6(4), Jun, 2019 pp. 139-145. Publisher: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; [Journal Article]
Craig, Shelley L.; Eaton, Andrew D.; Kirkland, Alexa; Egag, Egag; Pascoe, Rachael; King, Kourteney; Krishnan, Sreedevi; International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, Vol 16(1), Dec, 2021 ArtID: 1961572. Publisher: Taylor & Francis; [Journal Article]
The bottom line is, the adults uncomfortable with kids being taught anything but heteronormative language and seek to put limitations on kids, aren't the ones who suffer...the kids are the one who suffer.
Learn more about LGBT language here:
Jax Anderson and Renae Swanson are two mental health professionals helping parents decode the tween and teen years.
Jax and Renae have worked with tweens and teens for a combination of 35+ years and their experience and creative parenting solutions have proven valuable for parents around the world.
They aren't afraid to talk about the 'tough stuff', the topics and issues that many mental health professionals steer clear from speaking publicly about when it comes to raising tweens and teens.
Join Jax and Renae as they begin the journey of talking about the topic of raising tweens and teens in the world today.
Contact us with questions, requests or constructive feedback:
IG: @jax.parentingteens
TiKToK: @psyko_therapy
Email: [email protected]
IG: @renae.d.swanson
Email: [email protected]