Join us on this episode of Ramen Hunter as we explore Ramen History with friends of the pod: Abram aka Ramen Beast and Cody aka Ramen Guide Japan.
Today we look into the legendary Class of '96. A group of shops including Menya Musashi, Aoba, and Kujiraken than pushed the Ramen into the 21st Century. Learn how the things we take for granted in modern shops trace their influence to this class, from bowl construction to design aesthetic.
We also discuss the passing of two significant figures in the Ramen world: Shiroiwa Kurato-san of Nonokura, and Chin Kenichi of Iron Chef fame. The fellas break down their impact on the Ramen world.
As always, a treat to have Abram and Cody share their knowledge.
Shops mentioned in the pod:
Menya Musashi 麺屋武蔵
Aoba 青葉
Kujiraken くじら軒
Tagano 中華そば 多賀野
Chabuya 柳麺ちゃぶ屋
Jiro Hitotsubashi Branch ラーメン二郎一橋学園店
Konjiki Hototogisu SOBAHOUSE 金色不如帰新宿御苑本店
Jinrui Minna Menrui 人類みな麺類東京本店
Robinson 自家製麺 ロビンソン
Edmond えどもんど
Michi つけ麺 道
Kikka 吉華 自由が丘
Hashigo 支那麺 はしご
Nakiryu 創作麺工房 鳴龍
Banraien 萬来園
Suzunoki 自家製手もみ麺 鈴ノ木
Shono 麺や 庄の
Kikanbo カラシビ味噌らー麺 鬼金棒
Ashura 拉麺 阿修羅
Eburi 麺屋 江武里