Things get worse before they get better. It’s the ‘si do’ of the octave, the fever before it breaks, the point you can’t take anymore before the pressure valve gets released.
We are growing more light and clearing out old houses and therefore the shadow comes up in full force. But where this is all leading us is good.
It’s free.
It’s full of love.
It’s home.
We will look back at this time and recognize it as a time of great alchemy, of transmutation and transformation.
It takes incredible stamina and resilience to keep going when sometimes it all feels pointless and hopeless. But we’re in it together even during the moments that feel lonely.
Where our true power lies though, is in our choices. I will ask the question again, will you choose the path of love or path of fear?
Will you carve out a new way to freedom even if it means clearing out all the old closets? Or will you stay on the familiar track that keeps running in circles; more drama, more hatred, more fear, war and division?
The future is up to us.
It will take great courage, incredible stamina and unprecedented resilience, but together we are the makers of the new world.
Let’s see how to move through it together, shall we?
Tune in for more…
Loving you from afar,
Want to work 1-1 with me? Visit my website and book a session.
If you book a session and say you found me through my podcast, I’m offering 20% off your first single session or 4 session package for the first month as a welcome. Spaces are limited.
IG: @corinneblum @theauthenticselfcoach
Facebook: @corinneblum