August 08, 2019First datesWomen tell there stories of the scariest dates they’ve been on . Fellas listen to this 👂🏽...more3minPlay
July 22, 2019Knowledge is RichnessAct like you have no problems and your problems will be gone...more5minPlay
July 18, 2019My Documentary is releasing soon !I went to the dentist and was not very happy about the service, I’ll tell you the story . However my Documentary is releasing soon ! Great things in the works...more3minPlay
July 03, 2019I need some Blue Dream, I just got hit on my bikeWe gotta change as a sisters and brothers and we have to think about the now and stop being worried about the future or the past . The NOW is the only thing that exist ....more3minPlay
June 30, 2019Going back to the past and living in the futureJust a short story and message for the day...more2minPlay