Welcome to the Raz an Crepptic show where we talk about current affairs, videogames, anime and various other topics that we like to give our opinions on.
Today's topics are:
- Triple AAA games running out of ideas
- Ridiculous gofund me from CDproject Red
- Being picky vs not picky over food
Where to find me?
Website - https://www.podpage.com/razs-psych-and-gaming/
Raz's Cave - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVd4rm0tbtZXT_A6FcokUMg/featured
Twitter - https://twitter.com/VizlaRaz
Crepptic's Socials:
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/crepptic
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5nyvZ-Rz2NLhO5mJ0ShQnQ