Hello, after a long time dealing with life's interruptions, moving twice since my last podcast, and finally putting a new season out after my very short 2nd season, being extremely busy I would like to say a big thank you to one response I heard some time ago from the last episode, the feedback was great and I recognize any improvement I hope to make too and appreciate it.
This episode starts in a brand new season 3, hoping I will have the spare time for more to come and will be focusing on my most valued direction in life at this time, which will be about my processing multi-media franchise called Taking on the Vari, it intends to bring value to inspire, educate, entertain and even allow anyone to become involved in its ideas whether wanting to take part in its projects to work with me, or simply become a fan, supporter, observer or consumer of any kind. If at all any of my listeners have any interest in a sci-fi/fantasy genre that is quite unique and has a chronological direction of origins this is content you will want to know more of.
This episode will tell you about simple updates with my projects and what I will personally focus more on as this process builds up. I am excited to announce a reboot version of the lore to start my story again and the potential of what else can be done with what I have already started with the multi-media franchise and other new things that can come with it if others would like to also include too.
Links from this podcast episode include my website so far https://totvtrial.weebly.com/
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/rileyaarris
Reddit community https://www.reddit.com/r/Taking_on_the_Vari/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinaryls/
And if you would like to ask for more details, social media websites, links to my projects available, or anything else at this time please send an email through to [email protected].
Thanks for listening and reading this. ๐๐๐