January 18, 2024Corona Quarantine Chronicles season unknown Timmy the Terror Taylor security guard extraordinaryToday's guest Timmy takes on two homeless men pleasuring themselves and may have earned a purple heart for his service. Being a security guard is dangerous....more26minPlay
December 25, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles season unknown. Pocket Pool World ChampIn this episode, we talk to the pocket pool world champion. He discusses how he came to fame with money and ladies for days....more16minPlay
October 18, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles season unknown Helen, the founder of Mother's of America special guestSpecial guest Helen of Mothers of America talks about how it's okay to have a 26 year old son living at home living his best life doing nothing besides beating off and gaming....more23minPlay
September 21, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles season unknown, Timmy gets a job and thinks his Kevlar pants bulletsTimmy has a job now and is ready to bang bitches and make that cheese. He is practically law enforcement since he has years of Call of Duty experience on Play Station. His mortal combat skills can't be matched....more15minPlay
August 23, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles season unknown, internet troll and conspiracy theories.Special guest Jacob S Bobinob is an internet keyboard warrior. Joe has to escort Jacob out for being an idiot....more21minPlay
August 16, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles season unknown HR nightmareSpecial guest Ceasar is a walking HR nightmare. He likes to report violations but does not abide by the rules himself. This shows most confusing guest. Of course, Joe is still an ass...more17minPlay
July 14, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles Human behavior series. Relationships and more, no shenanigansI'm taking about the Sound of Freedom movie, and relationships...more18minPlay
June 17, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles season @#$%&&$* Steven the HR whistle blowerSteven goes to HR to tell on his co-workers on a regular basis when he feels there is wrong going on. Or he just doesn't like the individuals he is working with. He likes to make up stories to tell HR. Don't be a Steven. Every workplace had one. Just be kind....more14minPlay
January 25, 2023Corona Quarantine Chronicles season #5 Conspiracy theoriesThis show is out of hand. Went on way too long. Joe is still an idiot and Trent Jackson made is way not invited to our studio....more22minPlay
December 24, 2022Corona Quarantine Chronicles season #5 Christmas Story, Merry ChristmasMy friends wife caught their son jerking off and was concerned that the hand lotion he was using would give him cancer. She also thought he was possessed by the devil. Of course, Joe is making inappropriate comments as usual....more12minPlay