Sandy Joy Weston
is a mindset trainer. Her mission is to spread joy and she uses fitness and her endless positive vibe to help her clients achieve what they want in life with ease and joy.
Sandy became the first female trainer for the Philadelphia Flyers and personally worked with Eric Lindros, Ed Snider, and Pat Croce. Sandy also worked with the Philadelphia 76ers dance team when she choreographed and performed a half time routine.
She's a ball of energy, and as you would imagine, positivity, not in an annoying way. And she's not a pollyanna about life. We talked again--it can suck--relationship, they can be taxing, and all the little annoying things that trip us up daily. She gets it.
But the big question she always asks, is, Is feeling like crap, bitchy, annoyed, etc going to get you where you want to go today, tomorrow, next year?
Her premise that you can change your life in a positive, powerful way in 1 to 3 minutes a day is proven. She spent one year working with top researchers, scientists, psychologists and humans like us, and tested how much time people would actually commit to to change the things they wanted to change.
She thought it would be 5 minutes. Nope, the people have spoken. All we can manage consistently is 1 - 3 minutes. Wow, I feel so much better. Even I can do that.
We talked journaling, morning routines, having a word to keep us on track with what we want out day to look like, and more great ideas for making change that sticks.
Sandy has 2 podcasts, “Let’s Keep It Real” & “Positive Bitch Lady" has written 3 books, Train Your Head & Your Body Will Follow and My 30-Day Reset Journal, and her workshops. She is also traveling the world as a Keynote Speaker specializing in wellness, fitness, and women empowerment. Sandy’s outlook on life inspires every single person to live with a little more joy.
You can get her Brain Reset worksheets, they cover resets for work and family life, here, for free, no opt in required, here.
You can buy her 30-Day Reset Journal on Amazon. It's a bargain at $12.99.
You can find her on IG and Facebook.