*Content Warning: Discussions of racism, colonialism, police brutality
Here’s the question that inspired this week’s episode: What brings you joy when you are fighting for social justice?
The goal of Rebelliously Tiny has always been to be a space for struggle and rebellion, and all of the related emotions, without the constraints of any narrative that tells us that strength and resistance is loud, harsh, masculine. The question of joy in the fight for social justice - as a reason to fight, as something sustaining, as an end goal - is important to us, and we thank everyone who submitted answers for us to feature in this episode when we posed the question on Instagram in August 2020.
This episode is a little different, and we’re really excited to share it with you, it is our first podcast takeover! With the fight for social justice, fuelled around the globe with outrage at killings by police this past summer, we considered how to connect with our community more and invite more voices to our little corner of the internet.
This episode takeover is hosted and written by Sunny Adcock (you may remember her from episode 12!) an avid reader, writer, editor and podcast host from Australia. To help answer our question, she invited her two friends Francoise Nestor and Binta Yade to discuss joy and “self care” as not only necessary, but also as real tools for sustained activism. Together Sunny, Francoise, and Binta explain how they advocate for themselves and their joy as young black women living in a patriarchal white supremacist society. How is self-preservation an act of political warfare, as Audre Lorde writes? How has self-care been co-opted by Capitalism? How do we maintain and support the joy in our collective rage?
References: A Burst of Light (1988) by Audre Lorde
Episode Host:
Sunny Adcock
IG: @sunny_adcock
TW: @A_SunnySpot
Podcast: @tenderragepodcast
Francoise Vaughan
IG: @fran_d_n
Binta Yade
IG: @binta.fm
Hosted, written and co-edited by Sunny Adcock
Co-edited and co-produced by Ambivalently Yours
Co-produced by Hannah McCasland
Music: Greg Barkley