This podcast is best for couples, relationships, PTSD and those who "rage against the dying of the light." My area of expertise consists in helping with difficulties in relationships & social relationships. Such difficulties include finding and sustaining healthy partnerships.
Such difficulties include finding and sustaining healthy intimacy, healing from a painful break-up or divorce, recovering from major loss, and growing up in aversive childhood experiences, trauma and difficult circumstances. I am particularly suited to helping those who have cultivated their intellects and creativity but would now like to develop a greater awareness of their emotional world. (Neuroscience of Relationships, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Gottman Method, CBT, DBT and EMDR).
Joe's approach is far from being the silent, blank therapist. His approach provides the richest and most depth and exploration of how we love, work, and play. He works less as a teacher and therapist but more of an awakener and revealing what is already inside all of us that has been repressed or suppressed, process consultant and co-journeyman on all our heroes journey. I am also a 12 year military veteran and treat PTSD and transition. My bias is the relationships need 3 major elements to thrive and not just survive.
1. Shared Context
2. Shared Language and Tools
3. A Community and Tribe
Joe's core belief is that we are all born into relationship for relationship, love, connection, belonging. We learned relationships in the context of relationship. We have all experienced aversive childhood experiences and trauma where we have been hurt, wounded and betrayed in relationship by mental, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse, addictions, abandonment, violations of human connection and loss of sense of safety, security and protection. So, relationship is the crucible to heal our past trauma we re-enact and sometimes feel we can never get beyond the X-Factor. Relationship is the context we have been wounded in so it is only in the context of relationship that we can be healed, therefore, it is vehicle on the path and practice of love to resolve and repair.
Joe has developed brief 12-24 session relationship programs and intensives for couples to breakthrough the upper limit barriers that block them from experiences the love and intimacy both crave. My couples sessions range from 90-120 minutes and offer several couples weekend intensives for those wanting to go through a deep dive and Reboot Your Relationship.
Joe Whitcomb is a US Military Veteran and Rescuer, Relationship Coach/Trainer/Speaker, an attachment-based, emotionally focused therapist, and developer of the Trauma-Informed Relationship Psychotherapy Method which focuses on trauma (PTSD and Aversive Childhood Experiences ACE's) and the impact on relationships, mind, body, emotions, health in couple relations, families, blending step-families, military, veterans, first responders, and adult survivors of childhood abuse/trauma.
What Does it Mean to be Trauma Informed?
Noticing and embracing that trauma is the expectation, not the exception – all beings experience trauma, just different levels - it doesn't matter if you were or are drowning at 1 feet, 7 feet or 21 feet, you were drowning.
Awareness of how trauma effects the brain, body, spirit, sense of safety and security in the world
Asking “What happened to you?” versus “What’s wrong with you?”
Minimize re-victimization and facilitate recovery for all clients in the most culturally sensitive way we can, taking into account culture, race, gender, sexuality, spirituality, and other factors
Behaviors are understood not merely as complaints but as attempts to cope and survive
This Thing We Do…So Other’s May Live and Love Well and Thrive